4:51 PM

Melusine's Story

The legend of Melusine (a Breton Faery) was first written down by Jean d’Arras in the 14th century. (You can read one of my favorite versions of the tale here.) The main character of the legend, Melusine, first demanded to have her story told on Wednesday. I was researching which fairy legend to mention in the Otherworld novel I'm writing, and despite the four months between my initial research and now, her story was the first to come to mind.

Okay, so I had a legend to include as a reference in my book. I summarized it and moved on. I managed to type about five more pages before Melusine demanded to tell her story on Thursday. This was the second time. I was about to give up the idea when I decided that a little more research into the legend couldn't hurt. Afterall, I would be using it in my story, so it wasn't a lost cause.

Twenty minutes and a number of websites later, the story began telling itself in my head. Much like with my main character, Zahra, from my short story, "Burden of Discovery," Melusine's story came quickly and needed to be written. I wouldn't get another word of my novel completed until the story was done.

I tried researching 7th century France, coming up with few sources. (Although I will admit that during this time I took a look at the Melusine page on the French Wikipedia. Thank goodness for Google Translator!) Using what knowledge I had of the legend, France, and general European history, I decided to start writing today.

Once I started, I couldn't stop. Some people need detailed outlines to complete a story, but I all I need is a good first sentence. The first sentence is much more than a hook--it dictates where the story starts (or ends) and what tone it will take. With a good first sentence I wrote Burden of Discovery in three days. I expect Melusine to take about the same.

After I hear back about my first submitted short story, I'll have another ready to go. The best part is that it ties into the novel I'm working on. Maybe some day people will be able to enjoy the world of Melusine's family over a thousand years in the future.


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