12:33 PM

My first post of no consequence

This post is merely to welcome my new little blog devoted to my writing. I'm currently trying to publish one of my short stories in the online magazine Strange Horizons, but as with all submissions, there is nothing to do but wait until that email you've been anticipating--yet dreading--arrives.

In the meantime I'm working on my first Otherworld book. I'm nearly 1/3 of the way done, which, considering I've been working on it for a little less than two months, ain't half bad. ^_^ (Of course, if I'm honest, I did do about two months of research before I even started writing) I may write a short story about one of the characters mentioned in this book as sort of a stand-alone prequel. Of course, we'll see how that goes...

And now I must follow my golden rule of successful writing: Make yourself write. It is too easy to procrastinate and do nothing, believe me.


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