7:36 PM

Go, go, go **deep breath** Go, go, go

Today I finished a book that left me exhausted. It wasn't a deep, philosophical work or a book written in Japanese (I have experience with both). Believe it or not, it was a paranormal romance.

If I reach page 50, or if I'm feeling generous, 100 and nothing has happened, I stop reading. Maybe a plot is too predictable, or maybe the writing is poor. At any rate, there is such a thing as not enough tension in a novel. What most people don't really talk about are the instances when a novel never stops for a breather. The novel I finished today was just like that; a nonstop ride from start to finish.

Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the characters, but there comes a point when you've had enough action and banter to last you for days. It makes it hard to finish the book, or if you persevere like I did, you end up exhausted. I know a book shouldn't be too slow, but please give us a little breathing space every now and then. We want to believe good things can happen in novels along with the bad.

And I hate to say it, but I've had my fill of vampires for a little while. I think I'll go back to historical romance for a week or so and see if I can dive back in. Let's hope so because I have a stack of paranormal books from the library, just sitting there, waiting to be read.

Side Note: I've started writing book two of my Secondworld series. There's so much possibility...


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